- Much of the controversy and debate over Luftwaffe paint, camouflage schemes and markings was resolved by the publication of Ken Merricks two volume masterpiece, Luftwaffe and Camouflage Markings. These returned to original sources and provided specially prepared paint chips in a definitive guide to a highly complex subject. The two volumes have sold extremely well and attracted much praise from both readers and reviewers.
It was recognised from the outset that these books could only carry a fraction of the wealth of photographic material unearthed and that there was potential for further photographic supplements, featuring specific aspects of the subject.
This is the first of these photographic supplements to the original two volumes. Compiled by Ken Merrick and fellow Australian Brett Green, each of these follow up volumes will major on specific aspects of Luftwaffe practice from 1933 to 1945. The key feature in this book is cockpit detail and instrumentation. These albums w