- 50 pages, 65 photos - thereof 12 in colour, 5 colour profiles, 2 coloured emblems, 1 map, Readerforum
- Tails: An Hs 129 Can Opener with an Impressive Scoreboard (4.(Pz)/Sch.G. 1).
- Background: Lt. Detlev Rohwer and his Götz von Berlichingen Emblem, I./JG3.
- Aircraft in Focus: Unusual Aircraft of II.
(Schl)/Lehrgeschwader 2
- Scenery: An Aircraft of the Eagle Geschwader makes a headstand in Gilze-Rijen (colorfoto).
- Personal Emblems: In Action with the Red Mill, 5./KG 27.
- Equipment: The Dobbas I Transport Device.
- Seaplanes: An Arado 196 from the Prinz Eugen Comes Home (The story of the museums aircraft Nordholz).
- Color Photos: Crash in the Forest (Fi156, Stkz. KH + YP).
- Destroyer: Bf110 C-2 of4./ZG 76 at the Canal (Colorphotos)
- Aircraft in Focus: Bf 109 G, Stab III./JG 11 and 7./JG 11, 1943.
- Document: Invitation to the One-Year Anniversary of 4.(F)/123.
- As well as additional information and photos to:
- The Panther Emblem of Lt. Dold,
9./KG 51
- Italian Air Force Operations on the
Channel Coast 1940-41
- The "Winterfelt Wolf", Emblem of
III./JG 52
- Dr. Ernst Kupfer, StG. 2
- as well as articles and photos to more topics...