DOUGLAS A-4 M/N/AR SKYHAWK. Flying with air forces around the world.
As the subject of the 14th book in the Duke Hawkins series, we have chosen the A-4 Skyhawk, a highly manoeuvrrable, compact and low cost fighter jet that first flew back in 1954. Considering that it is still flying today - as an adversary jet with Top Aces and with the Brazikiab Navy - that is an impressively long career.
The versatile fighter is loved by anyone who has flown it, even if the cockpit is rather small. In this book, we sow you the A-4M/N as well as the Argentine A-4AR and the Brazilian AF-1.
This book gives you an insight in the A-4, a close-up at all the parts of it and a lot of action, including onboard tho Brazilian aircraft carrier Sao Paulo. Enjoy!.
ISBN: 978-2-931083-04-8