F-14A TOMCAT Anna VF-41 USS Enterprise 2001 a 1/72.

A escala 1/72 verdadera.

Pintado profesionalmente con gran atención a los detalles. Todas las marcas e insignias aplicadas con precisión.

Opción para mostrar el avión en la peana que se suministra junto al modelo.

El modelo se puede mostrar con el tren de aterrizaje bajado o plegado.

Las cargas de armamento se proporcionan junto algunos modelos y pueden ser colocadas o no.

Incluye figura del piloto.

Modelo realizado en metal con sólo algunas pequeñas piezas de plástico.

Coleccionable junto a otros modelos de la misma escala.

The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is a twin-engine, variable sweep wings capable of supersonic flight.

The aircraft is crewed by a Pilot and a Radar Intercept Officer who share the tasks of navigation, Navy and the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force only. The name Tomcat is said to come from the call-sign used by Vice Admiral Thomas Connolly which conformed to the USN tradition of giving Grumman aircraft feline names.

In 2001 VF-41 Black Aces made their final F-14 carrier deployment in 2001 before transitioning to the F/A-18E. To mark this occasion each aircraft aircraft had Last Tomcat Cruise 1976-2001 printed on the vertical stabilizers, First to Strike on the port side leading edge and First to Fight on the starboard leading edge. A Maintenance Master Chief had named each aircraft after

eleven of his girlfriends so it was decided to paint a name on the starboard side of each aircrafts radome. The CAGs aircraft BuNo 162608 received Anna.

F-14A TOMCAT Anna VF-41 USS Enterprise 2001 a 1/72.

137,00 €
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