P-47D THUNDERBOLT 226785 'OH JOHNNIE', 1st Lt. Raymond Knight a 1/48.
A escala 1/48 verdadera.
Pintado profesionalmente con gran atención a los detalles. Todas las marcas e insignias aplicadas con precisión.
Opción para mostrar el avión en la peana que se suministra junto al modelo.
El modelo se puede mostrar con el tren de aterrizaje bajado o plegado.
Incluye figura del piloto.
Modelo realizado en metal con sólo algunas pequeñas piezas de plástico.
Coleccionable junto a otros modelos de la misma escala.
The Republic Aviation P-47 Thunderbolt entered service in May 1942 with the introduction of the P-47B. It had a Razorback, a high dorsal spine behind the side-ways opening canopy that reduced visibility. As improvements were made a D variant was produced with 12,602 being manufactured. The British developed a sliding bubble canopy for their Typhoon and this was
adopted by the USAAF starting with the P-47D-5. With its ability to survive enemy fire along with impressive armament and bomb load the P-47 excelled at ground attack roles.
On April 24, 1944 1st Lt. Raymond Knight volunteered to lead two other P-47s on a raid of a German airfield at Ghedi, Italy. Knight kept the other P-47s high while he flew at tree-top to reconnoiter the field. He spotted 8 aircraft and during following strafing runs he destroyed 5 and the other P-47s account for two more. Later that day he led a raid on Bergamo: making ten strafing passes destroying six twin-engined aircraft and two fighters while the other P-47s destroyed 5 twins and one fighter. On April 25, 1944 Knight attacked Bergamo again and
destroyed three more German aircraft but this time Oh Johnnie was critically hit and crashed killing the 22 year old 1st Lt. Raymond Knight.