OUR first WWI modelling Special and our fastest -ever seller! The first printing has already sold out! This universally -acclaimed 44 page full colour publication contains a unique blend of historical archive reference with top-notch modelling know-how by leading practitioners in their fields.Harry Woodman provides the full Gotha bomber story with excellent photos and drawings showing armaments, bombs and other features, whilst there's a gripping description of a Gotha daylight raid on London with first-hand eyewitness accounts.As well as his detailed review of the 2010 Wingnut Wings 1:32 scale kit, Ray Rimell presents a fully- illustrated, detailed build log of this ground- breaking kit spread over 20 pages: in addition there are additional archive photos,a survey of other Gotha kits, and a specially -commissioned centrespread of Ronny Bar profiles.Over 270 colour photos, 36 archive photos and eight sketches.