THE FOCKE-WULF Fw 189 UHU. A Detailed Guide to The Luftwaffe's Flying Eye.
This series of books offers everything that modern modellers want when they are tackling a specific subject and includes:
- Period diagrams
- Data from flight manuals
- Data from spare parts catalogues
- Walkaround images of preserved examples
- Fully detailed 3D isometric views of prototype and production machines
- Full colour profiles and concise camouflage and marking notes
Airframe Album No 6 - The Focke-Wulf Fw 189 Uhu- A Detailed Guide to The Luftwaffes Flying Eye by Richard A. Franks
Contents will include all the elements listed plus:
- A wealth of historical photographs
- Walkaround detail pictures
- Detailed study of the structure, equipment and armament used
- Isometric views by Wojciech Sankowski of all prototype and production airframes
- Colour profiles and camouflage detail by Richard J. Caruana
- Lists of all Fw 189 kits, accessories and decals produced in all scales