MODEL AIRCRAFT. September 2013.
- Airwars Air Arms - Luftwaffe, Marineflieger and Heeresfleiger - Post-War German Air Power - By Andy Evans.
- The Supermarine Spitfire in Foreign Service Part 5
Continuing our in-depth scale survey - By Robert Humphreys.
- Scaled Up - Sea King HAR.3 - Modelling the Sea King HAR.3 - By Des Brennan.
- Meteor Superiority - The Classic Jet in 1/72 -
By Wociech Butrycz
- Nato Falcon - Eduards Upgraded F-16 -By Andy McCabe.
- Search and Rescue in Yellow or Grey - Modelling the Sea King HAR.3 - By Des Brennan.
- Swedish Rhapsody! - Waddington International Air Show 2013 - By Ray Ball.
- I am Not the Walrus - Supermarines Sea Otter ASR Mk II - By Colin Pickett.
- Workbench - Red Arrows Counterfactual - By Trevor Pask.