RAF 100 1918-2018. Technical Innovations Manual.
On 1 April 2018 the RAF celebrates its centenary, marking 100 years since its creation in 1918 out of the merger of the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service. The RAF has always been at the forefront of technology, both as an innovator and as a user of innovations. To celebrate the RAFs first 100 years, Jonathan FalOn 1 April 2018 the RAF celebrates its centenary, marking 100 years since its creation in 1918 out of the merger of the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service. The RAF has always been at the forefront of technology, both as an innovator and as a user of innovations. To celebrate the RAFs first 100 years, Jonathan Falconer showcases a top 100 technical innovations that have been used and/or devised by the Service over the past century, ranging from heated flying suits to radar: and from panel fasteners to the VTOL Harrier.coner showcases a top 100 technical innovations that have been used and/or devised by the Service over the past century, ranging from heated flying suits to radar: and from panel fasteners to the VTOL Harrier.
- 1 April 2018 is the centenary of the formation of the Royal Air Force.
- A unique look at the RAFs 100-year history using technology as the theme.
- 100 double-page spreads with descriptive text per innovation, representing 100 years of the RAF.
- Fully illustrated with more than 300 photographs and drawings.