Vuela - Vuela. Pack de OVO-04 y Boeing 737-800-NG
Take out that pilot you have inside!!
Fly like air professionals, take to the skies!!
Start your day with a visual flight and end it high in the sky
Let your imagination fly and visit unique cities
This flight simulation experience consists of two parts:
In the first part you will pilot a MOONEY BRAVO with movement for an hour and you will be able to feel the G force during the flight
You will take off, land and plan your Visual flight
In the second part, you participate in an instrument flight in the Boeing 737-800-NG for an hour with its departure and arrival charts and approach. You will learn how to configure the flight computer of the 737 and how to plan the entire flight plan.
You will take off manually and you will control the Lateral Navigation, Vertical Navigation and the ILS landing procedures
Remember you will be the commander during the entire flight and in your hands will be the responsibility of your passengers and staff on board
Welcome aboard captain!!!!!!