This computational aerodynamics textbook is written at the undergraduate level, based on years of teaching focused on developing the engineering skills required to become an intelligent user of aerodynamic codes. This is done by taking advantage of CA codes that are now available and doing projects to learn the basic numerical and aerodynamic concepts required. This book includes a number of unique features to make studying computational aerodynamics more enjoyable. These include: The computer programs used in the book's projects are all open source and accessible to students and practicing engineers alike on the book's website, www.cambridge.org/aerodynamics. The site includes access to images, movies, programs, and more. The computational aerodynamics concepts are given relevance by CA Concept Boxes integrated into the chapters to provide realistic asides to the concepts.
Readers can see fluids in motion with the Flow Visualization Boxes carefully integrated into the text.
- Various computer programs are used within the projects contained in the book, all of which are open source and accessible to students and practicing engineers alike
- CA Concept Boxes appear throughout the book to make material more relevant and to provide interesting asides from the material at hand
- Flow Visualization Boxes are used throughout the book to give readers the opportunity to 'see' fluid dynamic flows first hand.