JOB HUNTING FOR PILOTS. Networking Your Way to a Flying Job. Second Edition.

Increase your career rate of climb. This book includes pilot resumes, cover letters, interview preparation and much more. Addresses everyone from aspiring pilots to transitioning military aviators and old pros changing jobs or careers. Shows how to develop those all-important inside contacts who can help you more quickly achieve your dream flying job. Join thousands of pilots whove advanced their careers with the aid of this unique book.

Author, Greg Browns love for flying is obvious to anyone who knows his column, Flying Carpet, in AOPAs Flight Training magazine. Greg has been flying since 1971 and has found jobs as a pilot for both corporate and scheduled flight operations, and helped countless aviators achieve their career dreams through writing and seminars.

What people are saying:

Finally, a book that tells me how to get an airline job!Mark Holt, commuter pilot

"Well written, creative and accurateThere is a lot of meat in those few pages.Dr. Charles Ahlstrand, director of the Career Center at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ

The definitive book for getting ahead in this business.Capt. O. J. Alexander, pilot interviewer for a major airline

This ought to be one of the books thrown in with your commercial or CFI books as you wrap up your training books you must have.David Braid, flight instructor

So, I put out my ten resumes and waited, and waited, and waitedI had never read any books that explain just how important networking is in getting an airline job. Let alone how to go about it..Darius W. Johnson, commuter captain.

JOB HUNTING FOR PILOTS. Networking Your Way to a Flying Job. Second Edition.

20,40 €
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Gregory N.Brown
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